Lately I have been playing with all sorts of new art supplies and colors.
When I first started painting again, I used lots of untraditional supplies like glitter and crayons. So I am going back to lots of those fun and playful supplies and adding them to my current favorites like oil paintsticks, paint pens, neons and acrylics to create a whole new look.
And, I have to say, I am having so much fun expressing myself in new ways and loving these new paintings.
So I thought I’d share all I’m learning and loving with you in a new class… THE JOY OF PAINTING!
In this new online course, I’ll share lots of in-depth tutorials (like the layered mixed media paintings below) along with more playful projects you can do with just a few supplies right in your living room (like the watercolor portraits above).
I haven’t released a new full-length painting workshop in over two years, so I can’t wait to share all of my new supplies and ways of painting with you!
Registration opens next week… on February 10th with a very special early bird sale. Class begins in April and registration closes the first week of class, so 6 Month Payment Plans will also be available.
You’ll have access to the classroom for 2 years and forever access to our incredibly supportive private community where I am always available for answering questions (I just delight in seeing the artwork you’re creating too)!
If you know someone who enjoys art supplies as much as I do and might be interested in trying out The Joy Of Painting, feel free to share this post (there are links beside the Join The Conversation section above the comments).
Have a lovely weekend. See you in class!
xo Juliette
Ps. Business For Creatives starts February 12th. If you’d like to join us, you can find all of the details here.
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