I used to be afraid to stand out.
When I was in first grade the teacher tried to teach our class about proportions by dividing us into groups, based on certain characteristics.
For me, it was easy when she lined up everyone who was wearing blue on one side, red on the other, and neither blue nor red in the middle. No problem.
But what stood out to me, even at that age, was when she started to divide us based on our physical attributes – she asked everyone with blond, brown or black hair to go into different corners of the room. I had red hair, so I didn’t know where to go.
Then she separated everyone with blue, green, hazel or brown eyes. I have one blue eye and one green, so, again, I didn’t know where to go.
I spent so much time trying to figure out how to fit in – until one day I realized it was a lot easier to just be myself.
That’s why now, it’s so important for me to create art that resembles me.
Lately, I’ve been painting a lot of characters with one blue and one green eye. It’s not even something I am consciously creating. I just step back and notice – the eyes are two different colors, just like mine. And I love that.
I finally realized those traits that always made me feel so awkward and weird as a child, are the things that make me so unique and creative now.
With love + gratitude,
xo Juliette
Ps. Business For Creatives starts September 3rd.
Pps. If you want even more inspiration and insights into my creative process, plus some details that I only share in email, sign up for my newsletter here.
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