Growing up, everyone called me Julie.
Juliette is my given name, but I didn’t start using it until my junior year of high school after a super inspiring trip to Melbourne, Australia.
It was my first time in a big city by myself, let alone in a different country on my own. I went to the art museum, the zoo, the Queen Victoria Market and just walked and walked and walked. When I asked for directions, the good looking guys all said they’d like to be my Romeo and that, along with the freedom I felt, made me want to be Juliette forever.
Not only did I finally feel like me, but like a catipillar transformed into a butterfly and set free, I’d left home as one person and returned as someone new… an artist.
I hid that artist away again for years after I graduated college.
But on that trip to Australia, I’d taken the first step. When I got back to school, I asked everyone to call me Juliette. My teachers in art and english did, but never my teachers in math and science.
This completely changed the direction of my life.
I felt so alive around art and writing (and later reading). Although it took many, many years to figure out my path and purpose, I finally realized, I’ve always been an artist and I had to be creative.
If you want even more inspiration and insights into my creative process, plus behind the scenes sneak peeks + free videos that I only share in my newsletter, click HERE to sign up for my newsletter and join my free painting workshop.
xo Juliette
Ps. Click HERE to join me for a Free Painting Workshop and learn my favorite painting techniques and supplies.