A good friend once told me not to be an artist. It was really the worst advice I’ve ever gotten.
I’d just started painting again and drove to Chicago to show her my new artwork (which I was super excited about). I couldn’t wait to get her opinion.
So when she told me not to be an artist, my heart sank.I knew she had the best intentions. Her experience had been that being an artist was hard.
But in that one moment, more than ever I thought, “I will show you.”
Telling me not to be an artist, was the greatest thing she could’ve said.
In that one moment, I finally recognized I couldn’t not be an artist. And that was the beginning of me becoming a full-time artist and entrepreneur.
I knew right then, it didn’t matter what anyone else thought about me, my art or the art world. I was going to create my own experience.
And I was determined to find a way to make it work for me.
May all of your dreams come true!
Ps. Serendipity Sale! Enjoy my Serendipity 1 & 2 online classes for $199 each until January 15th, 2017… even with a 3 Month Payment Plan & 2 year access (reg. $249). In these classes I share painting projects from an entire year, so they’re perfect if you’re looking to really explore a lot of new mixed media techniques and painting styles.
Just enter code: SERENDIPITY at checkout
Register for Serendipity 1 – Develop Your Style
Register for Serendipity 2 – Loosening Up
Pps. If you want even more inspiration and insights into my creative process, plus some details that I only share in email, sign up for my newsletter here.
That’s so inspiring to read Juliette, thankyou. Your art is full of passion and sings out with the wonderful colours. I’m so glad you reacted to your friend’s comment that way!
Jess xx
Juliette CraneAuthor
thank you so much! i am so happy to hear you found this story inspiring. best wishes to you! xo
Chrystine Lacaille
I was finally able to register to this wonderful newsletter.
Your creations and creativity inspire me everyday on Instagram.
You make me dream of the day I can finally just LET GO of all the fear and create freely.
Thanks for sharing all this precious information and life experiences with us.
Chrystine (@mina1969)
Juliette CraneAuthor
that’s so nice to hear… thank you 🙂 i’ll be sending out details soon on BFC spring 2018 early registration 🙂