I’m so excited to be planning an in-person painting retreat! I can’t wait to share all of the details with you soon.
I’ve been looking back at past paintings to determine just which techniques to teach and share.
My process has changed a bit over the years. While I always start my mixed media paintings with a few playful background layers to help me let go and loosen up, and to cover up the white space (which can be way too intimidating otherwise), I also paint daily in my sketchbook now.
As you know, sketchbook paintings are essential to my creative process and well-being. Creating with water-soluble pencil and watercolors is relaxing and calming. These sketches serve as stepping stones for new mixed media paintings, inspiring the faces, mood, and color combinations. The flow from one creative endeavor into the next feels so freeing!
While I’m in the planning stages, I’d love to know, what would you love to learn and do at my in-person retreats and workshops? Maybe you’d love…
- Sketchbooking in nature
- Learning mixed media painting techniques
- Plein Air painting in gardens
- Painting whimsical animals
- Learning watercolors
Click here to send me a note and tell me what you’d love to see at my in-person painting retreats, then keep an eye out for more details.
Happy painting!
xo Juliette