Whenever I’m stuck with my art, I’ll often give my character an ink mask.
It’s usually the eyes and face I don’t like, but it’s super scary to paint over them.
I’m always afraid I won’t be able to recreate what’s already there. But I’ve learned, if I’m not liking my art, I have to cover it up.
The other day when this happened, I was working on this new big painting (she’s called ‘Guardian Of Hope’ 20” x 30” on stretched canvas, so the painting continues around the sides)… visit my shop to see available originals right here.
I’d really loved the red and black color palette from my last painting. But every time I tried to paint this new woman’s face, I just couldn’t get it right. Not even when I gave her an ink mask.
So I poured water on top and wiped her away (again and again).
Each time I repainted her face, she looked way too perfect. But I loved the soft look she got when I washed everything away. Then I decided to move slowly, one small mark at a time.
This helped me to not overwork the painting.
But it wasn’t until I added all of the titanium white oil paintstick like a feathered cape that she stepped into her light.
Whenever I look at a finished painting, I often forget all of the layers underneath. But so often it takes getting stuck in that ugly stage to finally slow down and paint without the pressure of having to get it right.
This video is a project we create in my FACES – Mixed Media Portraits class.
It’s a project I come back to whenever I need to loosen up with eyes and faces. I hope you enjoy it!
Sometimes I can get so stuck in painting something perfectly that my faces totally look too lifeless.
Whenever I paint the eyes of my characters I feel like I can best express myself. But sometimes I just can’t get them right.
That’s when I know I need to loosen up and play.
Happy painting!
xo Juliette
P.S. If you’d like to paint more together but don’t have a lot of time, I’ve also put together my Happy Painting Mini Course, which has five-instant-access projects to get you started. Click here to Watch a Video Sneak Peek at the Happy Painting Mini Course.