Since this is how I make my living, any and all mentions, links, and kind words about me, my classes, my books and my artwork are always appreciated.
I thank you a million times over for your consideration and support.
Painting has always been my passion and I am so very honored to be able to share my artwork and stories with you.
It is always so inspiring to see the AMAZING paintings that have been created by students in my classes.
**Can I share the artwork I create in class on my blog, FB page, instagram etc?
Absolutely! If you’re posting artwork that has been inspired by my work or created in any of my classes, in the first part of your description please tag @juliettecrane and mention me as an influence along with the name of the class you’re taking. And it’s always nice when you also provide a link back to my website –
**Can I sell originals or reproductions of the work created from one of your workshops and/or use the work for publication or submissions?
I kindly ask that you use good judgement when doing so. If you take what you learn from what I share, be sure to add your personality and make it into your own.
If you are entering your work for publication or any other submission, please be sure you have infused the artwork with your own original ideas.
If you are selling originals or reproductions of something similar to one of my characters or class projects, please mention my name and the class you’ve taken as your influences in either your shop listing or on social media and include a link to
I also feel it’s important to keep pushing yourself to uncover your own story from there.
**Can I gift artwork inspired by your work and classes?
Absolutely! It’s always okay to gift any artwork inspired by my work or classes. It’s always nice when you mention me and my classes as your influences.
**Can I repost your artwork on social media?
Feel free to repost my artwork on social media, add my artwork to pinterest and blog about my art, photos, or writings as long as I am given credit and you provide a link back to my website and tag #juliettecrane.
Of course, if someone copies one of my paintings, and uses the same color palette and posture along with the techniques I teach in my workshops and sells the artwork as their own… well, then I’m not happy. Especially if the artist doesn’t mention my work as an influence.
And of course it never makes me smile to see that someone has stolen my artwork directly, reproduced it and then sold it as their own (yes, that has happened). If you ever see this, please let me know.
I’m often made aware of these things because YOU notice them and let me know. Thank you.
I’m passionate about others finding and following whatever they’re passionate about in life. And that doesn’t just mean being inspired to paint, but to create anything you’ve been dreaming about, whether it’s turning your guest bedroom into a library, working at a winery for the summer or taking photos on your morning walks.
To me, it’s about learning something new and being inspired to create something and take it in your own direction.
I know I am always learning. My style and artwork is always evolving. That’s why I don’t mind teaching everything I learn because I’m usually already learning or trying something new.
So it only seems natural to share.
I stumbled upon an interview with Maya Angelou on Oprah Winfrey’s Master Class series. And when I watched this video, Maya Angelou’s words mirrored how I feel about it all.
The video is called, “Hold Nothing Back” (January 16, 2011). In it Maya says, “I hold nothing back. Because I want to see that light go off. I like to see that you would think ‘I never thought of that before.”
When I watch that video and hear Maya Angelou speak I get shivers. Because why on earth would I want to hold anything back when I get emails from people who have been so inspired by my work and teachings, saying that they’ve truly changed their lives.
Read the full Maya Angelou quote here.
I’m here to share my creativity and to give others a place to begin. My hope is that their imagination can wander from there!
With love + gratitude,
Ps. If you see someone using or copying my artwork or another artist’s work illegally, it’s always important to let the artist know.
Pps. If you are still wondering if your artwork is okay to sell, feel free to email me the image and ask any questions.
Ppps. Please do not use anything for commercial purposes without my permission.
Wow! Look at all the beauty you have taught and inspired! Way to go!!!
Good post BTW. Great explanation and outlook.
Beautifuly said Juliette! How would we learn if nobody shared. Thank you for sharing. 🙂 Sadly I'm not taking your workshop but I'm always inspired by your beautiful artwork.
well said ms. juliette!
Catherine Denton
Beautifully said by you and Maya. I've loved being guided down the artistic path by women who graciously shared with me.
My Blog
Thoughtful and lovely post. I too have been thinking about this very issue. I feel so protective about my trade secrets sometimes. I appreciate your thoughts and think I should check out the Oprah video!
Jenny Blair
What a wonderfully expressed post, so thoughtful and full of love and support but with clear boundaries….thankyou for sharing and continuing to inspire :)xx
Louise Gale "Dream-Inspire-Create"
So so many fabulous pieces of work from your class. You are so fabulous sharing this gift with so many people. See you very very soon. yay yay yay! xx
years ago i made little wooden signs -which i sold at markets and a few shops. People always asked questions about how i made them etc. i didn't mind sharing – even though it was my business. part of living a creative life for me is about sharing your work – using it to inspire others. eventually we do find our own voice -sometimes we just need a helping hand. (but yes it can be irritating when someone sets up next to you and sells the exact some thing as you have made – which happened to me! – but i got over it and designed a whole new range)
thank you much for sharing your artful journey PLUS your bravery, courage & strength of character! 🙂
Peg P
Thanks for this post Juliette, I will definitely check out the Maya and Oprah link. I know being in your How to Paint and Owl e-course has been a fantastic experience. Your sharing of your technique has allowed me to explore my style more than ever before.
Thank you so very much for your openness, think of it as a paying it forward gift to many.
Kelly Berkey
well said! you are such an inspiration of love and joy. xo
Thank you Juilette, I appreciate this on so many levels. I appreciate you as a teacher, as an artist, as a person. I admire your heart and your talent. I understand that you struggled with the question, that it is difficult to allow something so indelibly a part of you to suddenly become a “public” part of someone else….their creation….however, it will always be that it blossomed from your heart and experience and now, evolves from those parts of someone else; with a part of your soul at its core. That's what great teachers do. I don't know if you are like me and you wonder what your purpose on earth really is, but I suspect this is at least a part of yours.
mindy lacefield
thank you for sharing all the sweet awesome paintings from your students. congrats on the e-course! bravo dear girl. have fun in england. give beth and louise a big ol hug from me. xo
Beautiful that you are so open! I'm thrilled to learn from you. Happy Owls!
The ability to share your talent so freely speaks volumes about the integrity and warmth you have as a person. I am having a wonderful time learning your techniques in the e-course, I feel very lucky to have a creative journey inspired by talented and gifted artists, such as yourself. Thank you for your honesty and sharing, in learning all these new things I am SO inspired to create and embark on my own new creative adventures!!
Juliette Crane
thank you so much…all of your comments and kindness so inspires me to keep sharing…and to always keep creating too!
Wendy Jayne
I haven't started painting yet but have told all the family their getting paintings of owls for Christmas. That's if I am able to give them away. I have a collection of owl ornaments which I love and is growing so maybe I shall keep all my paintings and they can all be friends. I think it will be hard to give them away especially if they turn out well and actually look like owls. But from what I see from your help and instructions I shouldn't go wrong.
Can't wait to show you my first owl. Wendy Jayne.
Juliette Crane
can't wait to see your owl paintings, wendy jayne!
xo, juliette