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Ready to Paint?
Get instant-access to my Free Painting Class. You’ll learn to let go and be loose in your art.
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I think that it is rather brave to add and layer, because with each new layer you get something new and there is always the possibility that you might want to go back, except you can't – and that takes a brave soul to push on. I love the richness and texture of the final layers, deep and solid – the rewards of being brave!
Катя Макогон
ах! как же я люблю Ваши творения!!!
I love the long and winding journey this painting took to get to its end! I think there's some sort of lesson tucked into that . . . I'm a member of Life Book and am downloading your class now. SO excited to get into it! 🙂
Ardith Goodwin
This kind of painting speaks to me because its story is just as powerful as its image. There is something to be said for a work of art that has a voice to it.
Jen @Sadie Inspired
Wow! It is so interesting to see the evolution and changes through the layers. I just watched your Life Book lesson too…and loved it! You are such a good teacher Juliette! 🙂
Sue Marrazzo
I enjoyed your post…MIXED MEDIA is the way to CREATE! Nice work!