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Ready to Paint?
Get instant-access to my Free Painting Class. You’ll learn to let go and be loose in your art.
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~well wishes for you this day…here's to more days ahead of truly doing what you love…sometimes its easy to forget or loose perspective but glad you had a moment of clarity… much love light and blessings
Haha, I love the sequins skirt and applaud you for letting go a bit and not being so hard on yourself. I have to work on this too. Sounds like you are right on track!
Juliette Crane
thank you! it's definitely been nice to focus on two things i'm really excited about rather than feeling like i have to do ten and only really getting to two 🙂
best wishes!
Dear Juliette, This post really resonated with me. I feel I tend to do too much also. Thanks for the reminder to take things easy! Happy 2012 and have a wonderful year doing what you love!! Wini xo
PS: Do you have a recipe for the tonic? My other half has a cold and I would like to try it. Thanks!