LOVE is one of my favorite painting projects from my BLISS online class.
I learned so much with this painting. Mainly, that it’s okay for things to be easy.
I so often overwork my paintings, thinking I need so many layers to achieve depth. But LOVE is mostly created with watercolors and in very few layers.
For this painting, I played with most of my go-to travel art supplies: water-soluble oil pastels, watercolors, paint pens and pencil.
Then for the words, I used a bamboo brush and calligraphy ink (my favorite way to add writing to a painting).
I hope you enjoy this video!
In Bliss class, I focus a lot on paintings you can create quickly with just a few art supplies. I also share a variety of techniques and characters to help you overcome creative blocks and easily develop your own style.
Click here for more details on Bliss class.
What have you been painting lately?
I’m always trying to combine what I’ve painted in the past with whatever I’m drawn to in my everyday to help push and develop my style. I’d be delighted to know what you’ve been creating too… I’ll be sure to look for your comments at the end of this post.
And if you know someone who has been looking to reignite their creative spark, feel free to share this video with them (you can use the share buttons below).
Thank you, as always, for all of your love and support!
Ps. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what online class to take and I always say, sign up for the class that sounds most exciting to you.
All of my Online Classes Now Include:
* Downloadable pdfs for creating any character, shading faces and drawing eyes.
* Instant access, self-paced classes
* 3 Month Payment Plans Available
* Forever access to our private facebook group, so there’s always a supportive community for you (this group is accessible with registration for any of my classes).
Watching the video previews for each class is always helpful too. Click here to watch the video previews.
PPS. I have also just added 6 month and 1 year classroom access for Bliss (starting at $139).
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