“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” -Audrey Hepburn
Sometimes painting feels impossible.
Not so much in the actual painting part, but in phases where I feel like I just can’t paint anything I really like.
Usually I see things in my paint and layers and let my intuition guide me. But lately, I’m longing for something new.
I’m trying all of my old tricks: going back to colors and techniques I love, trying different styles from my library of past characters… and it’s just not suiting me anymore.
I know that means I’m onto something new, which is such a frustrating phase. It means covering and uncovering again and again and so many unfinished paintings.
I’m actually finding it really therapeutic to watch my Serendipity 2 painting videos like this November Project, Hope Grows.
It always feels so simple to look back at a finished painting and think it just happened that way.
But the completed work really gives you no idea of all the layers that went into creating that piece. And that’s not even counting all of the creating that came before and all of the pieces I was painting at the same time.
Keep in mind, I’m showing you the painting that I thought turned out and that I didn’t get frustrated with and just paint over.
Above, you can see a bit of how Hope Grows evolved.
I remember that while I was painting Hope Grows, I was painting for hours every single day and had been for weeks. Painting felt like a river flowing with the sun scattering rainbows above.
But I haven’t been painting as much lately, unless it’s been an owl for my book.
It all reminds me to really follow what most excites me.
Right now, that means following the fun and flare I feel stepping into my studio and getting out all of my art supplies and playing with no expectation of the outcome. It’s in getting my hands covered with paint, leaving fingerprints in every corner of a canvas and smudging and splattering ink so it gets all over the place!
That’s what’s really inspiring and driving me to create. And little by little, I’m not only completely enjoying myself, but I’m actually falling in love with my new paintings too.
What’s been inspiring you lately? I’d love to know and will look for your comments at the end of this post.
And, if you enjoyed this post and think it might inspire someone else, feel free to share it and spread the word!
Happy painting!
Ps. If you’d like to paint together and get over your own creative blocks, watch my painting videos here.
And the video that always makes me smile, is How To Draw an Owl… it’s a sure way for me to get over any creative block and start having fun creating again!
Linda Arandas
just like you stated, Juliette…”playing with no expectations of the outcome” is the key to releasing creativity. you mentioned how inspired you are when working with your hands and paint. how fun! for me…i find that same type of joy when i become lost in my lettering. building layers & layers of letters and words. often surprised by the outcome. thanks for sharing your reflections on the process 🙂 Linda
Study Art
Its a good post!! Art is a way where you can enhance your kids creativity and provide a way to grow professionally.