This painting is one that I had no idea what it would turn into when I started. But soon, the black sea and matching night sky filled in and continued around the sides of the canvas. Then, as I was paging through my vintage wallpaper books looking for fabric for the outfit, I found this adorable little house that seemed to be the perfect fit as a sandcastle on the beach. And then I realized, this piece is all about HOME.

rachel awes
just look at this sweetie!
home indeed!
i just want to hug this being.
This is beautiful – and is just what happens to me when I draw – my art takes on a life of its own and goes on its own voyage of discovery x
Robin Norgren-Well of Creations
I really enjoy seeing other people's interpretation of home; nicely done!
Wonderful painting, such a great face too!!
Micki x
Home is always our comfort. No matter where we travel we are always so glad to get back home. Thank you for sharing your inspiration. Happy creating…
Mundo Mundaca
I love this character and his such affectionate glance.!
i love this! something about it tugs at my heart 🙂 well done!
x jessy
lovely! reminds me of the time I spend travelling, but kind of wishing I was at home.