*update: the giveaway has ended. Nicole Austin you are the winner… Congratulations!
A HUGE thank you to everyone for all of your kind words, enthusiasm and support for my new online workshop Happy Painting – A Mini Course.
I am so excited for this class! We have such an incredible group already. The early bird spaces have sold out, but you can still join us when class begins April 27.
To celebrate, I’m having a Giveaway (details below).
In Happy Painting, I share a variety of techniques and characters to help you overcome creative blocks and easily develop your own style. By the end of class, you’ll have five gorgeous paintings and the painting template to get you started again and again, so you can keep creating in a style that is unique to YOU.
* Class begins April 27
* Register Here.
Here are the details:
* $55
* 3 Month Payment plans available at checkout
* 1 year access to the classroom
* Forever access to our private facebook group, so there’s always a supportive community for you
* See a full list of supplies here
And now for a little video inspiration…
GIVEAWAY! I need your help spreading the word about HAPPY PAINTING – A Mini Course…
* To enter, share this blog post link on your blog, twitter, pinterest, instagram or Facebook
* Come back here and leave a comment… leave your name and how you shared the post
* The winner will receive a spot in Happy Painting
* If you’ve already registered, you can still enter. Choose to be refunded or pass your spot onto a friend
* I’ll randomly choose the winner and announce it here on Friday, April 17, 2015. Check back here on that day to see if you’ve won.
Thank you for helping me spread the word… and good luck in the GIVEAWAY!
I’ve fallen in love with mixed media painting and out of all of the painting techniques I’ve ever tried, the one thing I always return to is remembering to have fun whenever I create. This brings joy and happiness into the process, which inevitably gets infused into your artwork and always makes anyone who sees it smile.
My hope for you in Happy Painting, is that you connect more deeply to the things that bring you happiness, so you can play, let it all flow with no right or wrong and create from a place that is authentic and unique to you.
This workshop is intended for anyone and everyone. It’s all about giving you many places to begin so you can keep developing your own style… in a mini course!
Happy painting!
I shared this on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks!
Hi Juliette. Always a fan and forever will be. Enjoy your online class. It gives me so much opportunity especially to learn from half way across the world. Thank you so so so sooooo much!
Jenny Rodda
Oh Juliette… I adore your work… and have fallen in love with your sweet little characters… I would LOVE to win a spot in your class… I shared on Pinterest <3
Hi Juliette. I tweeted! Looks like loads of fun.
I shared the link on Facebook
Jen Dades
I just created a new board on my Pinterest account called Blogs I Love and pinned your Happy Painting Class which I’m already signed up for and I can’t wait to start creating and learning from you!
Happy Painting sounds what I need now. I want to explore characters and find my style.
Shared your post on twitter and facebook.
Angela S
Shared on FB. The last class I took was your owl class. I would love the chance to take another. Thank you.
Kathy H
I shared on Facebook. I’m so happy to be registered for your class. Good luck with spreading the word!! Have an especially blessed day!!
Leah Keller
I shared on facebook and have told lots of friends in person!!
Share don Facebook! Thanks for this opportunity and to be an inspiration for us!
Bunny Sparkles
Posted to FB! Fingers crossed! xo
terri bolliger
Hi there! I shared this on my instagram, what I use most, and actually I am signed up for the mini class but would love to be able to apply what I paid toward taking another class, should I win. Fingers crossed. 🙂 LOVE your “guys” and style!
Melody Massey
I shared it on Facebook. I can’t wait for class to start, I’m super excited!!!
T. White
Hi Juliette! I shared this on Facebook. I love your classes! 🙂 Thanks.
April Lopez
i would love this class. I shared on FB.
Claire Bull
Hi Juliette. You know I love your classes and wonderful characters and the new Flower Girls are adorable!! I shared on Facebook. Would love to do this class ;). Thanks for the chance !
Thank you for an opportunity to win a spot in your new class. I was first introduced to your art in my first Life Book class. I painted an owl for my granddaughter’s room. I am working on developing my own style and would love to take this class. I have shared on facebook and on my blog.
Shared it on facebook.
Roben-Marie Smith
Thanks so much Juliette! I Tweeted it! 🙂
Becky Lane
Becky Lane shared on Facebook.
shared on facebook absolutely love all of your classes have taken serendipity 1, bliss, abstracts and backgrounds and am now in the midst of serendipity 2 — you have been a huge inspiration for me and I have grown much this past year — thank you juliette
Tina Sawyers
Thanks so much for this chance to win! I pinned this on my Pinterest and am headed to instagram next!
tweeted 🙂 I can’t wait for the class to start 😀
Tonya Williams
So excited for this! I shared on Facebook. 🙂
Susana Burns
Shared on Facebook
Michelle Remy
I tweeted about this fabulous-looking class! I’ll keep my fingers and toes crossed that I’ll be lucky enough to take it!
Deanna Strachan
I shared on Facebook. Encouraged others to sign up, too!
Cindy Tobey
I shared on Pinterest. Thanks for the chance to win! Looks fun! Love your painting style.
Martice Smith II
Thank you so much, Juliette! I love the new direction you’re taking and the flower girls that are blossoming! I shared on Google+
Vicky Lovejoy
I am so excited about your new course Juliette!! Thank you for this wonderful chance!! I have shared the link on my blog.
Hugs ♥ Vicky ♥
Shared on Facebook. Your paintings just make me happy and I would love to win this class!
Lynn Thomson
Shared on FB. Would love to win a spot in your class. Rough times for me right now, could definitely use a little “happy” art experience!!
Maggie Van Zandt
I shared on Facebook. Thanks!
Ali Gitt
Love the new style of background flair. Fun!!
Pinned on my “artistically speaking” board on Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/117867715224208805/
Woot! LOVE your work!
Layla Payton
I’m sharing this post on Facebook. Thank you for continuing to inspire us!
I did it on my Facebook page 🙂 https://www.facebook.com/magriz.adamik
Trenda Berryhill
I mentioned this post on my Facebook, Trenda Marie Berryhill. 🙂 Love your work!
Carolyn Robbin
Ohhhhh hope I win! ya. I shared on Google+ and Twitter. Thanks for igniting my muse.
Would love to win this class, I shared on Facebook! Thanks for the opportunity. Peace Ronda
I have shared on Facebook
Lura Brown
i shared on fb. would so love to take your class, have long admired you and your style. thank you so much for the chance. xox
Cat Lamb
I am so ready for this ~~~ I want & need it ! ♡
Shared on Facebook
I shared this post to my facebook page. Hope the good energy I am sending out comes back to me by way of winning a spot in this class!!
Casey Rasmussen white
I EXPLODED the internet with Happt Painting!
Pinned it! FACEBOOKed it! Shared Shared Shared!
I lOvE this HAPPINESS! Pick mE! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Kristen Guzman
This class looks so fun! I shared it on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Fingers…toes…and paintbrushes crossed!
Josefina Fernandez
Hi, Juliette! I just shared this post on FB. I would LOVE to attend to this mini course. xoxo
I shared you new class on my Twitter
Hope Martin
Shared on Facebook…your art is lovely.
Thanks for this fun way to be part of your new class Juliette!
I shared on Facebook, Pinterest (under art inspirations) & Instagram (under Mermaid Minnie).
Your art makes me happy and I really appreciated your class recently on LifeBook 2015!
Sharing in my Instagram (@jenwaltersart)! Love your work!
September Radecki
Love your work so much!!! Shared on FB.
Mandy Ford
Shared on Twitter! https://twitter.com/TGL_mandyford/status/586552003905597441
Would so love to join in the class…I’m exploring painting, especially mixed media and your style is so lovely!
Juliana Alonso
Juliette, i Love your art and would Love to take your class! I shared it on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for sharing so much knowledge!
Laura Almanza
Thanks for the chance to win a spot. I shared the link on my FB page 🙂
Nancy Johnston
Sharing this on Facebook with my artsy friends. Thank you so much. I’d LOVE to take this class.
Janet Werntz
Hello Juliette, I just shared this on my Facebook.
Liz Cherry
Shared this on Facebook -Love your style!
Arliss Bush
I shared your site on my Facebook page. I would love to win so I can learn about those wonderful eyes you paint!
Lisa Murphy
I am in love with your work and would like to see your process this mini workshop would be perfect!
Jacquie Leavitt
shared on my facebook. Jacquie leavitt
Hi Juliette,
I absolutely love your style – and that you paint with your fingers :). I’ve shared on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
Shared on Pinterest. I’ve hit a big creative roadblock this past year and have done so little painting or even drawing … I would love so much to be inspired by you in this course! I would share on Instagram too, but i can’t figure out how!
Debra Lee
I love this style,,, shared here https://www.facebook.com/distracted.debra/posts/1707305262829793
Shared on Facebook, thanks Juliette! x
Sheila Delgado
Shared on Pinterest and Facebook! The class looks awesome. I have been trying to learn how to incorporate more in mixed media. I often get stuck in one medium, and forget to add other elements. I Love your work Juliette 🙂
Sherry Titus Thomas
i just shared this on my Facebook page!!! I’d love to win a seat in the class! So exciting!❤️
Jen Rothstein
I have shared on my blog, pinterest and on my personal FB page as well as my Studio FB page. I so hope I win. I love your technique and colors and would love this class. I’m unemployed so the only way I go is if I win, but whomever wins will be so lucky. I keep looking forward to your posts and love the little bits you share. Thank you for the opportunity.
Theresa Merkling
Shared on my Pinterest and Facebook – been wanting to learn how to capture the whimsy you share.
ann schneider
i just tweeted! 🙂
Tanya Miller Poling
Shared on Facebook! Looks like a great workshop and i know I could really use some inspiration right now! Thank you for having the giveaway! ♡
I shared on Twitter and Pinterest. Thank you for the chance to win!
hi sweetie thanx for the possibility , share on facbook 🙂
b_fazio (at) tin ( dot ) it
Cindy Ceroky
Sharing on facebook (Ampersand Crafts), instagram, and pinterest. So excited at a chance to win. Thank u!
Sue Pompetti
Shared on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thanks for the chance!
I shared this on my Facebook page. What a fun thing to win!
Nicole Austin
This really looks like a fun class! I love your classes and would love a chance to win a spot. thank you! i’ve pinned it here:
I shared on Facebook, would love to win thank you for the chance. Good luck everyone
Bronwyn smith
Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this class.i shared it on instagram thanks again
Robin Thompson
Shared on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and Pinterest – Thanks for the chance ken brushes crossed!
Love my earlier class! Shared on Facebook and will be blogging tomorrow!
Barb gabet
Shared Blog on FB. Barb Gabet
Love your work.
Ale Equiza
Shared this on Facebook. Loved Faces!
Kim Taylor
Shared on Facebook !!!
I’ve been a fan for a long time
I tweeted your link!
Lisa Ferrante
Hi Juliette, I shared on Instagram !! I would LOVE
TO TAKE YOUR CLASS!!! I’ve taken a few other
Classes of yours and really loved them!
Laura Dodson
I shared on Instagram and Facebook. ❤️
Thanks for the chance to win!
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/tamdoll/status/586709898672664576
Chandra Merod
Looking forward to this course Julliette! I shared this link on FB!! Happy Painting!! I love the florals your doing for spring
Teresa R
I shared on facebook – teresaR56
Shared on facebook. Looking forward to learning from you. Already inspired with the basic shapes video!!
Hi Juliette, I would love to take a seat in your course.
I shared the link on Pinterest!
Ann Houng
I have shared the link in my blog: http://ablogofcuriosity.blogspot.hk/
Shared via Twitter at impati!
Cheryl Ann
Shared on Facebook. This looks like so much fun!
Mariette Hebert
Posted in my Facebook https://m.facebook.com/mariette.heb?ref=bookmark
Thanks for the opportunity.
ursula wollenberg
This appears to be a fun and inspirational class. Would love to win a spot.
Shared on Facebook and Pinterest! 🙂
Diane Knoblauch
I shared this on Facebook. Love your painting style and your Life Book 2015 lesson. I could paint these ” creatures” all day long.
I would be glad If I have the honour to win this beautiful art work!
Kimmy Moore
LOVE your work! Happy to share on Facebook and pinned on Pinterest! Good luck to all!
Melissa Mathie
Shared on FB
Rajee Pandi
Kati Barrett
Posted on Facebook! Looks fun!
I shared this on Facebook! I’d love to take your course!!!
cheryl sheehan
I would love to win a spot in your class! I have taken a class with you in person, but never online. I would like to see you in video-action! 🙂 I shared this blog post on facebook.
Sally Bowen
Hey, Juliette, love how you are blossoming! I put a bit on Facebook for you. Would love to win a space in this class! Hope my mojo is working!
Kelley Fewer
I blogged it and pinned it! Hope you get lots of registrants…and many thanks for the giveaway!
Shine on!
I shared on Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/74379831322386843/
Hi Juliette,
You have been inspiring me to let loose in my art. Thank you! I shared on my facebook page.
I posted your class on Pinterest. Would love to win a spot
Nancy J Burdge
I’d love to win this and find my style! Shared to Facebook and Pinterest.
I love your generosity! I shared on Facebook! Xo
Susan Burgess(Sanna)
Hi Juliette! I shared you on my fb cause I love you and your art! Always so inspirational, beautiful and touching!!!! I am addicted to Crane ART! Hugs, Sanna.
I did share it on my Facebook and Twiter. Have a nice weekend, Mik
Anne Williamson
I shared on Facebook.
Gina Ahrens
I share this in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram…..
Claudia Rossi
I shared this on Facebook. Looks like a fab workshop!
Sigrid (secret)
love and shared on Facebook
Shared it on Twitter! Many thanks on the giveaway!
I shared this on Facebook! <3
Jen Jordan
Shared on Facebook. Thanks for the chance!
Diva Kreszl
What a wonderful and generous opportunity, thank you for offering this. I have shared your page on Facebook!
donna joy
shared on pinterest and will instagram it too 🙂
Kim mailhot
hi Juliette! Love love love your sweet style! Thanks for the chance to learn from you!
I shared this post on FB.
Kelly Z
This looks so fun! What a lovely giveaway chance. Shared on Pinterest.
With fingers crossed!
Just shared on facebook… would LOVE to paint with you.
Angela Weber
I shared it on my Facebook page! Thanks!
I love it! I share! Thank you for the possibility… kiss from Italy!
Melony Gingery
Thank you for hosting such a fabulous giveaway. Shared on my Facebook page.
Woehaaaaaa sooooo excited!!
Shared it on my facebook
And now so keeping my fingers crossed… Thank you for the opportunity!!
Alison Pillette
Hi Juliette, I shared on Facebook. 🙂
Hilary Frye
I would love to win a spot in your class. I recently bought your book. It makes me so happy to look at the beautiful paintings inside. So colorful and expressive. I shared this giveaway on Twitter.
Isabel Cruz
Hi Juliette!
Just shared on my Pinterest!
What an awesome opportunity! I’ve followed your artwork and designs for some time now. 🙂
I posted a link to Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/pin/229472543490274481/
Thanks so much.
i posted on my 2 STAR aRt fb page
i intend to take this class!
Michelle Kirkland
Learning from others is a great approach to expanding the gift of art and creation that is within us all. Would love to learn all I can, and enjoy your unique style and beautiful art. Wishing good things you way, Michelle
Stephanie Cogburn Cotter
I shared the Happy Painting give away on my Facebook page! I just love your carefree painting style and your adorable creatures. Your Life Book lesson was one of my absolute favorites!
Would love to join your classes! I love painting and would be honoured to create with you some sweet creatures 🙂 I’ve shared on my fb. Magda 🙂
I shared on facebook
Jill Turner
I shared your offering and course on Facebook. I would love take your course. Juliette, I adored your Life Book lessons.
Meghan Rozmus
Shared on FB. Your faces and critters are just magical!
Kate C.
Shared on Facebook this morning!
Katie Holmes
Shared on FB! Love your paintings! 🙂
Julia bettinson
Jules, I have shared on my facebook page. I loved your life book 2015 class, would love to win!
lorraine french
This looks like freedom with paint and no more fear of the white space! I’d like to have this class for all the fun in store.