Whenever I’m stuck with a painting or don’t know what to paint next, I start a new background and play.
This helps me to get out of my own way, so I can let go and be loose in my art.
The background I create in my Free Painting Workshop was inspired by color blocking, using finger painting and a foam brush (if you haven’t joined yet… click HERE to join me for a Free Painting Workshop).
This video is one of the backgrounds we create for a project in The Joy Of Painting class. In this 9 minute video I share one of my favorite mixed media techniques for creating a lusciously layered background.
Oftentimes it just takes finding a new technique or color combination to bring my artwork to life. It’s when I start to play that things come so much more easily, without worrying about making everything look perfect.
Then, from that place of joy, things happen naturally and intuitively, so I can be loose in my art again.
You can see just how I use some of these ideas and techniques in this Joy Of Painting video sneak peek (it’s all about play which helps me paint with freedom and keep my characters loose).
Happy painting!
xo Juliette