Do you ever just want to throw your painting away? This happens to me (a lot).
Usually it’s the eyes or face I want to completely get rid of and cover up. Oftentimes I’ve overworked them and they look way too perfect and painted on.
That’s when I dump water on top of the face and scrub away the layers until just a few lines show through. Then I start again.
Other times, I’ll overwork a painting and make everything too busy.
That’s when I add a thin layer of acrylic ink.
This gives a transparent look, but leaves some of the pattern from my background showing through without making everything super dense and solid. I might not love the initial look, but it helps me see things more clearly. Then I’m not overwhelmed and can keep painting (instead of throwing it all out the window).
In this video I share how I begin my faces, then add color to create definition and cover up my mistakes.
This project is perfect for loosening up and letting go. It’s part of a painting project from my Serendipity 2 – Loosen Up and Let Go class.
Mistakes and ugly stages always happen while I’m painting. But whenever I go back to my favorite art supplies and techniques, I feel the freedom to let go, play and make a beautiful mess. Then a whole new world opens up and magic happens.
Happy painting!
xo Juliette
P.S. I’ve also put together a Free Painting Workshop… Click HERE to Get Instant-Access.