When I realized I’d run out of small canvases, I forced myself to use what I already had in my studio rather than buying something new.
This pushed me to paint on the big canvases that had piled up – some white and untouched, others with layer after layer of abstract backgrounds that I never finished.
I’d been avoiding these larger paintings because painting small felt very safe, secure and easy for me. But staying in my comfort zone made me stuck.
I had to force myself to not just fall back into what worked in order to move ahead, developing more of my style and finding my freedom to let go again.
So often I feel like that freedom should just come easily.
But I’ve finally learned that being loose doesn’t happen unless I’m having fun and that means keeping things simple by dancing between what’s in my comfort zone and playing. I’ve got to experiment, paint something completely imperfect, then keep following my joy and doing more of what I love.
I’m in the middle of a new painting that I can’t wait to share with you (she’s almost finished).
With love + gratitude,
xo Juliette