Could you use some help pursuing your creative dreams, maybe through coaching or mentorship?
Well, in case you missed my last note, I’m beyond excited to be launching my 1:1 Coaching Flash Sale for you next week (starting Wednesday, March 27th)!
It’s a super-duper opportunity to work with me one-on-one for an incredible price.
It’s perfect if you want laser focused support and guidance on what YOU need help with the most.It’s not just for visual artists. I love working with all heart-centered creatives and business owners, so you can get clarity and take action.
I’ve built my creative career around following my heart and focusing on what I enjoy doing most, which has led to thousands of collectors, customers, and students around the world, press in publications like Glamour Magazine, Somerset Studio, and, being published in multiple books, having my own books on Amazon, launching eighteen online classes, opportunities to teach in-person, and sales of originals, prints, cards, calendars, books and more in galleries and shops around the world.
Most importantly, I’ve built a lifestyle I love that allows me the freedom to travel, paint, write and share my passion with you. This is something I never thought possible and I wish for you to live your dreams too.
There’s no reason for you to struggle or reinvent everything when you can spend that time doing what you love.
Join the VIP List to be the first to know when enrollment is open for 1:1 Coaching.
What’s the FLASH SALE?
How would you like to spend 90 focused minutes on YOU and YOUR CREATIVE JOURNEY? That’s what a 90 Minute Soul Session is. For you to get the most out of our session, we’ll focus on the thing that is going to help you the fastest, so you can shift from foggy brain to clarity. It’s time to let go of the many distractions that keep you spinning and really hone in.
Here are some ideas for our 90 Minute Soul Session. Which one feels most important to you now?
- Get clarity on how to develop your own style
- Learn how to confidently create & share your art
- Come up with the next right step for your art practice or art business
- Cultivate more joy in your creative practice with a 1:1 painting session
- Get focused, so you can take action
Thank you for all of your wonderful messages last week ❤️ So many of you said you need help developing your own style, so I’ve posted some guidelines below to help you get started…
I’ve been painting nearly every day for more than fifteen years. There’s no better way to develop your own style other than through experimentation and a regular creative practice.
- Stop and look at what you love in your work: For every painting, I like to take a step back and look at what I love most about it – maybe the way I accidentally smudged the pink cheeks or the way the blue bled onto the pencil. Then I repeat those things in my next painting. Little by little, I’m no longer consciously trying to add these things, they just become automatic, and make up my style.
- Stop and look at what you don’t love in your work: Sometimes I’ll look at a painting and feel like the eyes look too cartoonish or I wish I would have left more of the background showing through. In my next painting, I try to push myself to cut out the things I don’t like.
- Choose your favorite painting that you’ve done and recreate it again and again – I really love painting women with a side eye look, long neck, and one arm. I love painting this woman over and over, deliberately. It turns off my brain so I have a template to follow, and from there I feel in my comfort zone, with no high expectations, and my creativity go off in fun, new directions that enhance my style.
- Recognize what you admire in someone else’s work: With this, I ask you to be gentle with yourself. Looking at someone else’s work can often paralyze me and make me wish I painted like them. I can go down a rabbit hole and end up never painting. Please don’t do that.That’s why I prefer to look at my own work and do more of what I love from it. But, sometimes I see another artits’s work and think I’d like to take my work in that direction. When that happens, pick one element from someone’s painting, then pick one element from another artist’s painting, AND one element from your own work. Incorporate all three elements in your next painting. Then do that again, and again. You can use the same three elements for this, but each time, rather than going back and referring to the other artist’s work, look back at your own painting and determine what to use in your next piece. That way, your work will look more and more like your own.
- Stop yourself from always doing the same thing – Trying a new color or supply is a great way to develop your style without copying. Try repeating something you love in your painting, but use a different supply or color to see what happens. You’ll see what you like and what you don’t like, which strengthens your style.
As I mentioned, it’s also so helpful to develop a consistent painting practice.
The more you paint and create, the more your style will develop and become your own.
If you don’t have a consistent creative practice, I encourage you to give it a try. Find a sketchbook or grab a few sheets of paper and start doodling. Get some watercolors and play with color. Journal if you feel inspired. Add your favorite quotes, collage, pencil, marker, or use anything you have on hand that calls to you. Don’t hold back. Just have fun with it. It can become a daily practice that inspires you.
When you look back at your drawings and paintings, start to notice what you love, what you remember having the most fun doing. Repeat these elements again (and again). Notice what you admire. You never know where it might lead.
If you want something more to help you get started, Join My FREE Mixed Media Painting Class
The other best way to learn from me about developing your style is through my painting membership, which gives you instant-access to seven of my online classes (cancel anytime). I’ve opened the doors for a limited time.
Happy painting!
xo Juliette
PS Join the VIP List to be the first to know when enrollment is open for 1:1 Coaching.