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Ready to Paint?
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23 comments on “BIG NEWS!”
Congrats! How very exciting!!! Is there room in your carry-on for me? tee hee!
Juliette Crane
would love to take you 🙂
You go!
lori diane
congrats juliette! whooo hooo!
lori diane
So excited for you! Now, If I could only win a free trip to go… ;0P
Tammy Lee Bradley
Exciting!! I desperately want to take your owl class. xo
Dana Barbieri
Congratulations! That is terrific news!
Congratulations, Juliette! I loved the ecourse and I think the workshop at Artfest will be great!
Beverly Gotthardt
Big Congrats–hope you can here the clapping from TX. I know it's going to be a great experience for you.
So cool! Wow, what a great year for you. Congratulations.
Can't wait to hear more about it in Aug.
congratulations and well done! Wish I could be there too 🙂
Gwynnie B
This is the most fabulous news, Juliette! Good for you Ms. Beautiful Owl Painter =-)
p.s. your earrings look divine on you…
Juliette Crane
thank you! i am so excited!
so happy you loved the ecourse, holly! if you can't make it to artfest, tammy, there's always room for you online 🙂
best wishes, everyone!
Juliette Crane
wear them always, gwynnie!
Jen @Sadie Inspired
How exciting!!! I am so happy for you. There are going to be some very lucky ladies at ARTFEST! 🙂
suzanna leigh
Congratulations! I am excited for you! Be sure and let us know how it goes!
Wow, congratulations…this is big stuff!!!:)
Such awesome news Juliette!
Dearest sweet Juliette, this is HUGE!! COngratz and im just so happy for you! Wish i stay close to go for this! Love love love to you!
Louise Gale "Dream-Inspire-Create"
Huge Huge Huge congratulations Juliette! So incredibly excited for you. Xxxx
Thats amazing you'll be teaching at ARTFEST…i need to figure out if i can go now, how exciting….and I just realised a weird coincidence, I had seen you before in the same picture at 'do what you love'! I've just finished doing Beths e-course and I loved it!
Juliette Crane
would be wonderful to see you at artfest! that's so fun you've been taking the do what you love course too 🙂
enjoy the weekend!
You very much should believe it that is AMAZING!! Congrats to you! I am happy for you but not at all shocked Juliette…you are incredibly talented..I would be shocked and sadly disappointed if they had not picked you! Kudos girl! Woot woot!! or who who!! LOL @@ < happy owl eyes lol