It has been amazing to see what everyone has been creating this first week of the Portrait Painting Masterclass – this session is sold out, but you can join the waitlist here.
I’m also in the process of packing up my art supplies and heading back to Wisconsin in a few days. Since I’ve still got a few more days at my artist’s residency, I’m also taking extra time to slow down, literally smell the roses, sit at the beach, and watch the waves as the sun sets.
That sense of freedom is what this new painting is all about… she’s called ‘Freedom Heart’ – 11″ x 14″ on flat canvas.
I’ve been inspired by the walks I take before heading into the studio. Along the way, I pass a pond filled with lily pads and turtles swimming. As they peek their heads up from the water, it all feels like magic. That’s why I chose to keep her color palette airy, focusing on colors that evoke calmness, hope, and peace.
Now she seems to be carrying that healing and peace with her light. She’s a reminder to be present and feel the joy inside your heart.
I’m in the middle of a few more layered mixed-media portraits that I can’t wait to share with you soon.
In the meantime, if you’ve envisioned having my work in your home in a particular size or color story, I’ve opened up a few more spots for commissions. You can learn more about commissions and get on the waitlist here.
I hope it all keeps you inspired… have a beautiful weekend
xo Juliette
PS Thank you for your love of this new painting collection! If you love my work, please help me spread the good word by telling friends and family.