Title: BUTTERFLY. Original Painting and prints available in my etsy shop.
These days I have A LOT to celebrate. It’s already been a BIG year for my creative business. I started this blog (WOW! first post January 27th), promoted myself on etsy (meaning I got smart and realized I needed to renew items to get noticed), got on Facebook and Twitter, hosted my first gallery night opening with Brian (and actually sold original paintings to people I didn’t already know!), got asked to paint commissioned pieces for friends, and then was asked to create paintings for people I didn’t even know (SO HAPPY)! But through it all, I haven’t really taken time to celebrate!Â
 It started with homemade corn muffins (a Martha Stewart recipe with lots of butter!), then Brian made buttered noodles (do you see the theme here?), and for the third course he grilled salmon (for me) and brats (for him). We enjoyed each course out on the patio with the Christmas tree lights on, all magical and golden in the trees as fireflies blinked yellow-green all throughout the yard. There was supposed to be a fourth course of cheesy jalapeno nachos, but we were already super full and instead decided to build a fort in the living room, zipping our sleeping bags together to watch one of our all-time favorite movies, the Princess Bride (if you have not seen it, you simply must!).Â
Now I see just how necessary (and super fun) it is to celebrate our achievements. I cannot say how excited I am about all of these things going on with my creative business. They are things I’ve always dreamed of, but never, ever, ever thought possible. And I am certain I couldn’t have gotten here without all of your wonderful encouragement and support.
Demoiselle Libellule
Congratulations, Juliette! Those are really a lot of great reasons to celebrate and to be proud of your achievements! I wish you a lot more successful moments!!!
Congrats on everything you've accomplished so far. 🙂 I'm celebrating with you.
Congrats. I can feel your happiness and pride in your words. What a wonderful way to celebrate!
Yay Congratulations…what a wonderfu journey you have been on..i am very happy for you and you are super talented! Hooray! You are very inspiring..and it is nice to know the process of things..i too am an artist..but havent yet learned how to do the etsy /etc (all that stuff)..it is nice to know it has been an awesome journey for you!Fantastic ! Wishing you many blessigns ahead and lots fo sucess always! Cheers!!
What an amazing year!! Congrats on everything! You are such an inspiration~
Thank you!!
congratulations! so much accomplished in such a short amount of time. great job.
Juliette Crane
Thank you so much, everyone! I REALLY appreciate all of your comments and support and am so happy I can share my story with all of you.
Maria Palito
Congratulations , you deserved this and more.. I celebrate with you !!!
have a nice day Juliette 🙂
Congratulations to you! I'm a big time admirer and can say the person who bought your original is lucky….
your dinner looked fabulous too 🙂
Congratulations! I feel so happy for you. You are soaring with your creative flight this year!
Your celebration sounds just perfect, too!
Congratulations! Sounds like you have every reason to celebrate! Wishing you more of the same!
Congratulations fellow flying friend! These are lovely pieces and I am not surprised you are taking off. ♥
Pilgrim of the moon
Congratulations Juliette!!
I'm happy for you,
and I hope that your creative business
fly high!!!!!
I am so happy for you, Juliette! And what a wonderful way to celebrate your success.
I love that you took the time to celebrate your fabulous self! This post made me feel great- thanks for spreading all of your positive love! I am not surprised your business is growing and flourishing- you have worked hard and you have such a cool style that resonates with people.
Congratulations! Your art adn your Blog are so wonderful. I always enjoy my visits, and I wish you even more success!♥ Isn't it good to take time for gratitude and celebration?!
Kelly Berkey
Beautiful story!! I sold my first original yesterday on Etsy and my feet still haven't touched ground!! I'm so happy to hear you have been successful. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will happen for me too.
Love, love, love to hear your cheer, celebrate away!!
rachel awes
oh how i love your butterfly!
she is so dear!!! love the two tones
on that winged one above her & it
seems just right she has a heart
in her middle.
i join you in your celebration of
your art also taking wing ~
you are such a lovely flier! xox
Silver Strands
Congratulationso all around Juliette! Love the butterfly!
Megan Coyle
Congratulations on all your success! That's absolutely wonderful 🙂 and your butterfly is so beautiful – lovely colors.
Hope your success keeps growing and moving in new directions 🙂
lots of great accomplishments- 🙂
congratulations dear.
so many wonderful things circling your artful world.
i LOVE that you watch princess bride…my family loves that show and we are always quoting it to each other..we are silly like that.
your blog looks awesome.
can i ask which template you used?
i.ve been trying to go to a 3 column but not having great success with what i want it to look like. i want it to look like YOURS.
how are you liking flying lessons? it.s great huh!
you are a doll.
love seeing your face on here…you AREN.T a lion after all.
happy day.
Oh my goodness, I'm so thrilled to read all of your achievements this year! I'm celebrating here with you as I sit under my comfy blanket in my little nest here. I really love the Princess Bride 😀 I'm in Flight Lessons with you too btw! I hope to be on my way to soaring soon too 😀
Congrats Juliette! Your site looks lovely. I've started to follow you as a result of Kelly's e-course. I live in Central IL, just a few hours south. Hoping we can connect one day.
Wishing you much, much continued success.
dandelion dreamer
Oh well done! How wonderful to make your first sale and a GREAT way to celebrate!