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Il est toujours bon d'avoir des projets qui se réalisent…
Gros bisous
You've gotta keep the hula girls…special memories! We've just done our main bathroom and I know how much work it is…AND we hired out to do it (my husband is an accountant and has no interest in handy man work…as he often reminds me! lol!!). So I know the surprises you can find and how you change thinking, often going in a different direction or back to your original idea. I'm laughing at the yellow tile…my mother-in-law had that in her bathroom — in green. We just went with a simple tile in our bathroom — white subway tiles and I love, love, love it. I wanted no pattern on the tile because I wanted the window, floor and accessories to stand out. Whatever you choose I'm sure it will be wonderful!
Lynda M. Metcalf
I was going to suggest subway tiles but that can be more modern. I think they make hexagonal tiles? That may give you more of a vintage feel and you can choose a neutral color. Glass tile (which I love) would be too modern. You could always get a simple tile and add the carved trim tile they make to spice it up. Can you tell I watch HGTV?
josh crane
I would say natural stone of some sort. Make it feel like you are showering under a waterfall. You know me though. I always want to be outside. Great work on the demo. Looks like a lot of work.
Juliette Crane
indeed…it's something i've been imagining for so long and it's wonderful to see it come into life 🙂 best wishes! xo
The bathroom is next on our list, I'm a bit scared because it's such a big job. I am going to use small and medium sized glass tiles in our bathroom in a pale milky blue with clear taupe streaks in them. I just love them and I think they will give the look I'm trying to achieve. Good luck with your project.
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My vote: SUBWAY TILE .. it has a vintage feel but.. is also used in modern homes. I have it and love it so much!
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Custom Mirrors Nassau County
I think you could get away with putting up black modern tile for the shower walls… Good thing you guys did all this before the wood under the toilet completely broke in it self from rotting. Good luck!! Can't wait to see a finished product.
-Irwin Zinkin
maruf hosen
I just finished the blog. Really very helpful. Thanks for sharing such an amazing blog.
Hexagonal floor Tile