In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a new look going on here at this blog. I’m super excited to reveal my brand new header! It’s all part of the integration for my blog, shop and website! I’ve really wanted everything to fit together and reveal more of ME for awhile now… and just feel more friendly and approachable. And, since blogger just made it SO easy breezy to switch to a three-column blog by adding new template options, I got inspired and decided to go ahead and just update everything all together! I know it’s a change, but I had a ton of fun designing everything and really think it captures my spirit SO much better. I’m REALLY loving my new etsy shop header too, which is the piece I did last and am now liking most with that intense purple, so perhaps this is just phase one. Ah, the perfectionista in me just cannot stop sometimes.
Check out my website and etsy shop if you have the chance. I’d be delighted to know what you think!
TITLE: THE DRAWING GIRL. The Original Painting and Prints available in my etsy shop
And for anyone looking to switch to a three-column template, here’s how I did it… on my DASHBOARD, where it used to say CUSTOMIZE, it now reads DESIGN (up in the right corner), which brings up new template options. I chose SIMPLE, then clicked LAYOUT and chose the three-column version. From there, I updated my width to 1000 and adjusted both columns to 240px and 219px. I had to move a bunch of gadgets around to accommodate things, but I know it’ll be really nice when I have to add new sections. I hope this works for you too!
La Dolce Vita
love your new blog look! just wonderful, I will go on right away and test it out on my Dolce Shop, the guinea pig for such changes! love your new pieces!
I love this picture. All of your work is delightful.
I love your new look! Your work is so charming. I may be inspired to work on mine.
Lindsay - Paint Me A Picture
Nice new look and I just adore the drawing girl. Happy Wednesday!
Juliette Crane
Thank you so much, everyone!
xoxo, juliette
Maria Palito
I LOVE IT !!! Looks better 🙂 I want to paint looking to your blog 🙂
looks awesome! great job. i can see the e-course has inspired you! i'm still feeling overwhelmed and haven't done much, but you've inspired me to get moving.
lori diane
I love your blog! You can spread your elbows! I love your art as well-it's just beautiful!
Love the look! U R 2 cute!
Very nice indeed! I really like your new header, really pretty!!
Micki x
I just LOVE love love your new look and new header! Thank you for the Blog Design Tips. I jotted down your notes because I was actually thinking of updating mine this summer. I do appreciate it! {You art is so gorgeous!} ♥Kathy
rachel awes
i am head over heals
for your header!
it is clearly INSPIRED!!!
& i am crazy about your
newest art/especially
the drawing girl
because she speaks to me
but also especially
both because
i am wildest about
autumn colors
& they are all so
blazing beautiful!
Yay..gorgeous new feels very open..magical and carries a super lovely vibrant wings spreading wide open! Fantastc job! yay!!
Marie S
I adore the new look to your blog, shop, and site!
The autumn painting is delightful!!
Have a great day!
Silver Strands
I love everything about your blog 🙂
Demoiselle Libellule
Very lovely! The Drawing Girl is so adorable!
Awesome! I think Blogger heard that all of us Flyers were ready to make changes and they just decided to make it easy for us! LOL! I just changed my blog too…still doing some tweaking. Website next…and besides Kelly Rae's class just took a full-day workshop on internet for artists! I'm overwhelmed, but psyched!
Love your changes!
Juliette you have done an amazing job on your new headers and blog layout. It really does justice to your artistic talents. Happy creating…
You've got some really adorable work!!
It's funny, JUST after I toiled for hours with a third party instructional blogger comes along and makes it totally easy peasy…bleh.
Yours looks wonderful!!
verónica durán gonzález
woaw!!!, i love your work!!