I am excited to open my calendar for custom work and now accept a very limited number of commissions.
In-person Retreats and Workshops
A few times each year I host creative retreats and workshops at beautiful places around the world. All skill levels are welcome! Make sure to sign up for my in-person retreats and workshops waitlist (they tend to sell out quickly).
Ready to get focused and take action in your heart-centered art or business? Let’s do this together. I’ll guide you and keep you accountable. I’ll help you come up with inspired action steps and attainable goals that you will reach. Your sessions are personalized for your journey, so you can follow your dreams.
Whether you haven’t painted since kindergarten, are looking for new techniques, or just want to spark your creativity, I’ve put together a suite of online painting and business courses to inspire you.
The School Of Happy Painting Membership
The Membership offers online access to seven classes—a library of video and text lessons and a private community.
To rekindle your creative inspiration. Thanks for being part of my community!
© Juliette Crane LLC 2024
Get instant-access to my Free Painting Class. You’ll learn to let go and be loose in your art.
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Get instant-access to my Free Painting Class. You’ll learn to let go and be loose in your art.
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